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Cabrini Green- The Pete Keller Chronicles, was a Journey into my life, thus I intertwined my Cabrini surroundings with the audience to tribute Cabrini herself.
The book opens up with Dedications to Shatoya Currie, from Cabrini, known as Little Girl X (far left in yellow, inside wheelchair- that’s singer Jennifer Hudson befriending her later years when finding out her predicament)- who was raped and beaten in April of 1997, and withstood so much abuse, that to this day her physicality’s will never be the same, but she continues to try… and Live. We LUV you Princess, FOREVER…
Then, in the middle (still above), we have Dantrell Davis, from Cabrini, who is legendary in the city with being the poster boi for Peace! In October of 1992 this young man was sniped, walking to school, while holding his mothers hand! He died instantly. This sparked an outrage citywide, then nationwide! Chicago acted to what they felt accordingly and Showed LUV to everyone… Hence the Peace Treaty of 92 that went citywide, with all the Organizations, however, in the end it didn’t do too well citywide… and ended, but there was still a silver lining with this piece of history, because Cabrini Green Continued our own portion of the Peace Treaty because it started & happened on our land- so we invisibly honored it; lasting throughout Cabrini’s final overspread years. Long Live Dantrell. We LUV You Prince, FOREVER.
Then we have our recent prince Janari Ricks (on the right), also from what’s left of Cabrini, who was mistakenly shot while outside playing; giving us an erie flashback of Dantrell Davis with only a two year difference- Dantrell being 7 at the time Janari 9. The city Mourned Janari as a representative of our babies presently, citywide dying. With this happening in Cabrini, it hit us personally, and citywide activists all came together, as a unit; the city felt the low blow. Long live little Prince Janari; we LUV You Prince, FOREVER.
Then I get into the About this Book section, which is a section I developed to give a literal sense of our Queen (Cabrini) explaining that within Chapters there will be a sub chapter entitled At This Time In Cabrini describing literal events concerning Cabrini Green the Housing Development, minus my perception- simply historical facts of those years. And Yes, the Years are the Chapters. I had my man behind the scenes Ted Weissberg, do the extensive research concerning At This Time In Cabrini.
Then in “Author’s Note” I detail the sections of Cabrini, the main three (when describing format and visual of the main three as well as the Boulevard) which are the following: Reds, Whites, and Row-houses.
Then I introduce the beginnings of Chicago gang (Organization culture), My boi Cosmo, and how I got to Cabrini back in 1983; later to return to live by 84. This five picture collage below is Cosmo G. (RIP. Rest well brotha)

I introduce Rickey in the beginning Intro, and discuss Ghetto Woopings. The gentleman below is Sam which is Rickey’s step father the one who administered the Woopings. Next to Sam is his Wife, and Rickey’s Mother Lessie. Later in the Book Lessie would receive her G.E.D through the program we went through at Lumumba Jackson in Cabrini. God Bless them both… Rest Well Family.

I also talk about my best friend Ronnie Ray Cherry “Ronnie” in the intro and other places throughout the book, who along with Cosmo taught me how to fight; over and over, we’d go to renew our strategies; while; picking up more techniques. Rest well my brother (RIP)

Also in the intro I discuss fighting some Latin Kings with my boi Eric (who’s Ronnie’s brother), and he was also one of the Founders Of MAD Boys, the other clique I was in. Eric is now an Advanced Chef.

This building below (the first one you see, closer to the camera) is 714 w. Division… aka The Goldmine aka 14KT… aka 1.4. This was the Building I went in for my first gang tattoo by Cosmo.
The 2 pictures below is the first building I moved in called the Jube (534 W. Division). If you notice the 2nd pic on the bottom has a Fire station in front of it This Fire station made the Jube different and synonymous of the fire station itself and vice-vera; when describing where you lived to an outsider, you always said, “Ya I live in the Jube, right behind the Fire station”, it was always a reference toward your buildings location. The Fire station is still there to this day.
I also discussed how we banged with name plate Belt Buckles. And though you’d get your name on them- they weren’t for style at all- strictly Banging. (RIP Spanky)
Which brings me to a Chicago Gem- Maxwell street aka Jew Town. This is where we’d get the Name plate Belt Buckles… along with everything else! The History behind Maxwell street is incredible.
Still then, within the first Chapter, I discuss the Hallways of Cabrini. These two pics below is an actual pic taken in the Hallways of Cabrini.

In Chapter 1985 I opened up with what happened in the Oscar Meyer Plant on Sedgwick. (Lower picture) while we were chased in there on a Sunday. The story itself is a true Testimony.
In 1986 I was bribed to go to Madison Wisconsin by my Mother, when getting into it with some Oppositions in my area. The second week getting up there I managed to book myself into opening up for Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam. At that time Lisa Lisa was a huge star.
Then, still in the 1986 chapter I discuss Cabrini’s Crazy Crew. Below are most of the original members of the Crazy Crew. (In the bottom row with the white Tank top is Braniac who transitioned as well- rest well brotha). Then under that pic we have more original Crazy Crew members- the brother on the left with the black & Gold hat is Dirty Red aka Lil Kat (Who is also in the top pic with all blue, on the far right, Who recently passed away, rest well brotha- Cabrini original). The bottom pic has yet more Originals… Long live our Cabrini Soldiers. Cabrini History…

In 1987 you were introduced to Uncle Larry in the book; He was a pillar of strength, and offered a sense of LUV in my life, and Cabrini journey- a true Uncle that was well needed. Much LUV Unc. Here’s a pic of Uncle Larry right behind me, with his family.
I then discuss Chicago Hip House, and my Boi (and good friend during the late 80’s & early 90’s) Fast Eddie. This is Fast Eddie Below- Chicago’s Hip House innovator & inventor.
I then get into the Famous Ride when Dave and I went to Madison Wisconsin in a Steamer, while a Midwest snow storm came upon us. While leaving Madison our brakes went out, and I drove back to Chicago, on the expressway, with no brakes, literally, with the door open, while using my foot as brakes! Facts.
Then in the Crazy Crew sub chapter & Cabrini Green Vs Robert Taylor sub chapter, I discussed the Folks from 714 W. Division. (Under Don Smokey). This is Cabrini’s Don Smokey below.

(Below) In my first book “Cross The Bridge” I mentioned my boi “Ace” (in the middle with the black shirt). He was killed in 1997. This is one of the few pictures he ever took. It was inside the Cabrini Green Rowhouses.
These brothers (Below) are mostly 14KT Originals. Had their moment with being Insane’s the predecessors of Crazy Crew. We all grew up together, and were all Connected… all of us- the whole Land- At the end of the Day, we were all Family because we came from the Land; the Original- One and Only Cabrini Green. Much LUV. Definitely, Cabrini History.
After the Cabrini vs Robert Taylor sub chapter, I introduce Demetrice Cantrell aka Sugar Ray Dinke- or Dinkey as we called him on the Land. This was Our pioneer of Rap in Cabrini- and basically citywide at the time. Dinkey is legendary for his 1986 “Cabrini Green Rap” that received nationwide acclaim: From trying to keep me out of trouble, to late night studio sessions (that became sleepovers) in his project apartment, our bond was airtight. Long live our Cabrini Rap Legend Sugar Ray Dinke.
In the sub chapter 8 Months, I introduce Chicago’s legendary super promoter Delle Del (seen below). I guarantee you, I’m the first person in history to get Delle to take a pic without his famous dark shades! Delle and I instantly cliqued and began doing business together. The bottom picture is when Delle Del and I was invited backstage to the Regal with Rappers 8 Ball & MJG. That’s Delle with Rapper 8 Ball.

(below 2 pics of My Orchard street Clique!) My upbringing on Orchard street was what initially kept me grounded, and molded my first steps into Manhood, as well as my bridge to Cabrini. Long Live Orchard Street. (RIP Vincent, Baretta, & Constance)
In the same 8 month sub chapter I mention Chicago’s forefather of communication pagers- The beeper Daddy- Tony Blair. After all the years of working in the field, was able to have him as a Special guest on Our TV Show Ulon.life with my Co-Host at the time Justice X. (Right before Tony’s interview we have an Intro from my ace Aaron Wright, who I’ve had the blessings to be on his show as well). Tony expressed his beginning challenges, and the path that was strenuous with yet more adversities along the way; and yet Tony persevered, check out his Interview with us, on Ulon.life https://youtu.be/0R4wRjBNKEM

(Below) With Diamond Z, the kid who used to Rap Battle me every time I went through the Rowhouses like Clock work! We ended up getting super tight, and is my friend to this day.
I discuss many instances in the book when I’ve sold PCP. The reason why it’s also called Water is because of the liquid appearance as seen below. Whether in Cabrini Green: where it was outlawed, from a man jumping out of the window, to Ogden Courts, to 13th & Independence, to Division & Harding, and throughout the West side, to Madison Wisconsin, I didn’t give a damn, I sold Platinum (another street name for PCP) everywhere! If you paid attention in the book- 2 different sets of officers didn’t catch on to what it was! I always wanted to see the look on their faces when they found out.
Below in the Blue, with guitar, is my friend Joe Ellison; who I nicknamed D-Red. I discussed us meeting in the 1990-91 chapter. He was one of the best singers I’ve ever heard, he had a unique raspy, yet precise on key angelic voice. We cliqued and ruled the Jackson el train stop underground. We performed throughout Chicago, and was asked to appear on ABC Ch. 7 Bill Campbell’s show Chicago-ing.
I recently read in the Sun Times that Joe not too long ago died of Cancer… rest well my friend. (RIP Joe Ellison aka D-Red)

I also mentioned a group of police officers that patrolled the area, in Cabrini, that had a small stint of fame while Rapping- the trio were called the Slick Boys. Everyone in Cabrini knew them. And even though they would definitely lock you up if they caught you red handed; they did their best to engage & intertwine with the community; and most tenants were cordial with them.
I also found out my Boi Red Kytes (Below) got killed up North by some rivals. (RIP Fam, you’ll be missed)
(Below) I also discussed my boi Ant (Anthony Rance, Founder of Ghetto Heaven records) who is still on the grind making it happen.
Then in the 1992 chapter I discussed Governor Ratt. Below is Ratt in his later days. 9 Months before he passed away; I was able to say a proper goodbye, as we kicked it a few times before his passing. (Rest well old friend. RIP Rodney Banks aka Ratt aka Cheese)
(Below) Balling days when I was working with Governor Ratt. This pic is actually on the “Ramp” (porch) in Cabrini, getting my haircut by one of my Barbers- B.O.B. Much was done on these ramps.
Below. History!!! First “Rap Video” in Cabrini!!! Ever!!!
(Rest In Peace to those who are in this Video that have Died- You Won’t be Forgotten)
This Hidden Jewel has been Underground for Over 27 Years!!! Produced in “1992” this IS True Chicago and Cabrini Green History!! This Video “My Environment” was released by Peter Keller known to the Streets at the time as K-SO G and was the First Rap “Video” ever, to come out in Cabrini Green, Showing the 3 parts that make up Cabrini: the Reds, the Whites, and the Row Houses. On top of that it was During a time when Cabrini was under Martial Law by the State. And though they Tried to Shut Down the Production and Filming of “My Environment” K-SO “Kept” on Schedule with the Filming! Never Stopping! Going even Further, this Video holds Classic shots of History such as Chicago’s Legendary Ogden street Bridge- which was Our secret passage way to and from Downtown; and ran through part of Cabrini. This Bridge like Cabrini’s main buildings, (along with Demicco’s Youth Center, the Church that was in the Omen movie, the Buildings seen in the TV Show Good Times, the buildings (Specific Rowhouses) and Store in the Classic Movie Cooley High, and the buildings in the Candy Man movie- which were all Strategically placed by K-SO in this Legendary Video, bcuz he knew they’d be Gone) and yes they have now been Torn Down, and are simply Memories… as is the Environment that made up the Landmark Cabrini Green.
All News and Media outlets Supported K-So and the “My Environment” Video: from ABC to WGN (Giving Major Interviews, and playing this Track on Multiple Stations) from WGCI to 106 Jamz, from Chicago Tribune to Sun Times.. All knew how hard K’SO Loved the Greens and wanted the World to know about Cabrini and its Struggle.
Now, Miraculously Resurfacing (the My Environment Video) its perfect Timing for America to View a Glimpse of a lost “Cabrini Green” and the Environment Remembered by those that Lived There- Our story Lives On.
My Environment- is What its All About!!! https://youtu.be/2nYPVvww7cA
Not too long after the legendary My Environment Video, I was fighting a few cases, and in 1993 finally copped out for 5 years- the best deal my lawyer could get… and went to the Penitentiary, for the first time.
In 1995, coming straight out of the Penitentiary, I started resurrecting Voices of Cabrini Newspaper. Word spread through the City and Ben Joravsky from the Reader newspaper contacted him and followed Me for 2 days- in Cabrini. Below is the actual article from the Reader concerning his plight, the penitentiary, and his obstacles with resurrecting Voices.
So though I mentioned starting Voices of Cabrini Newspaper while getting interviewed by The Reader, it was still an uphill battle with everything: From Printing to Pictures, to stories, to advertising, to staff, to space, to footwork etc… and in October of 95… I did it. Starting at 5,000 then to 10,000 and finishing (going citywide) with 20,000. I put Cabrini back on the map for something fresh and new!
Though Voices of Cabrini had hundreds & hundreds of Pics with Major celebs, and local Celebs, here’s just a few to show you the wide range of people I met, networked with, and that supported the paper, and my plight.

With 8Ball &MJG Backstage, as they went hard for Voices. We Kicked it all night!

In the 1995-98 Chapter, I discuss Coming Home from the Penitentiary and Ski Rod, (who was given that name for book purposes, but who’s agreed to use his actual street name) which is “Ski Roc” (Below) Came and Got Me for Big Chuck. Ski Roc is a good friend who’s earned his Legendary rights in the Cabrini History Books!
Then I discuss how one of our own Charles Dorsey “Big Chuck” got into play, and how we all felt, as a Community. Below are 3 pics of Big Chuck. (RIP Big Fella)
Many people who worked with Voices of Cabrini such as Jimmy Williams, have continued to excel; Mr Williams is an exceptional abstract artist, and continues to make artistic strides.

I then Mention my Boi and fellow entrepreneur George Daniels. George has been a solid musical voice & Base for Chicago for decades. True Chicago Icon. I’ve been networking and doing shows with George throughout the years, while George’s Music Room was thriving, and a powerbase for Chicago music history.

Then I breakdown how I got up with Rapper Fat Joe, and bringing him to Cabrini, (both sides of Cabrini), even the Bankroll (500-502 W. Oak). He received these same pictures, (he asked me to send them to him) and he put them on the walls of his Halftime Clothing Store in the Bronx- FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.

With Super Producer Kevon Smith. One of my true friends that let me get House arrest at his Studio- Real Recognize real. Kevon has worked on everyone’s album at some point in Chicago. Chicago Icon.

Congressman Christopher Shays actually came and spent the night at my Cabrini apartment. He was doing a Speech at City Hall the following day regarding Welfare Reform, and wanted to witness first hand the troubles of the Ghetto. He told his Security to leave him though he didn’t want to. My Boi Kraze and I showed him the neighborhood and living conditions of the buildings. We talked into the night, and he went to sleep content with what he’d heard, witnessed, and learned. I pray that he tucked under his belt what was needed… bringing it out to help others, when needed.
![Photo of Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT4, 1987-2008]](https://www.govtrack.us/static/legislator-photos/400370-200px.jpeg)
If you read the subchapter dealing with R. Kelly you’ll know what happened. When I caught him again, he was in Cabrini, and even though he was nervous to be seen alone, and we kicked it with Nas, I was able to finally get Kellz to pose for a pic with Voices of Cabrini Newspaper- and the children.. I was on the Set of the Video; That’s Nas next to him with only the bottom of his face in the pic. (This was Street Dreams Video)

(Below) Here with Architect Peter Landon, who was instrumental with bringing enthusiasm, and loyalty to Cabrini when the initial remodeling was on the table- though his firm wasn’t picked, he hung in there and merged to now be Landon-Baker-Bone Architects, and has finally received contracts to service the Near North side. Way to go Pete! Much LUV
In the 1997 Chapter I discussed meeting, and writing a song for Actor Todd Bridges (TV Series Different Strokes), The song was entitled “Caught Up in the Mix”.
Then I break down taking Rapper Blue G (Joseph Perry) to rap in front of Scarface, and Scarface wanting to sign him- and then what happens next. Below are 4 pics of Blue. (RIP My Brotha Blue)
This pic below, is the pic directly after a disagreement Scarface and I had. I then saw him at the club- and he took a pic with us, but I turned my back on him- bcuz I wanted the disagreement settled first.. It was, Face who came forth first, approaching me, as a Man, (which I appreciated- true player shit) to come up with resolution- so, I made a way for us to go directly to the round table… afterwards, we were back on point. Grown Men ish. ULON
Much LUV Face, you’re one of my favorite rappers of all time. (Made My Top Ten)
I also break down the analogy and physical concept of Bandanas in Our hood, at that time. (Below) is an actual picture of us Serving Our Product in the Cabrini Hallways- Masked Up. We were pre Covid Outlaws.
In the Hymalaya Parking lott, with my ace Nae Nae. And That’s the legendary sky blue Lumina (that our Mexican partners touched up the engine) that we’re sitting on. AND, This is the actual Sky Blue Lumina that took the Police on many high speed chases throughout the Land! If you didn’t know who was in the sky blue Lumina (bcuz I had tinted windows) now you know, it was Pete “K-SO” Keller.
I was the first to start the Go-Town reference pertaining toward Chicago in 89. My analogy was that: “There’s nothing Shy (Chi) about Our City! Chicago’ is full of Go-Getters!” Thus the ending part of Chica’Go’ I decided to use while traveling out of town, when asked where I’m from, “I’m from the Go-Town fam, the Go.” By 1991, it started catching on, and by the mid, and late 90’s many of the Chicago rappers started using it, including Common, and Kanye. By the end 2004 I started printing Go-Town shirts again, and by early 2005 came out with the Go-Town Video. Chicago History. The first pic below is Channel 7’s Harry Porterfield (one of the many Chicago local celebrities in my Video. Mr Porterfield came to Cabrini to do a segment on me for his ‘Someone You Should Know’ news piece. It was a well put together piece) This pic underneath this one is from the Go-Town Video; in front of 1015 N. Larrabee, in Cabrni. This area on Larabee we call the BLVD.

Below, some of the IMAPACT’S before flipping ULON. What’s also prevalent about this picture is that this intersection behind us is Division & Larrabee, which I also discuss in the 8 Month sub chapter concerning the Death Trap phone (that also gave your change back, once hanging up) which is directly behind the blue van you see in this picture, directly behind us- at the South/East corner. Pay attention to the buildings to our left of the blue car- all those buildings were Opposition buildings, and had Complete Sniping access to anything at that Corner. Thus “proving” that the infamous Peace Treaty of 1992 (due to 7 year old Dantrell Davis dying instantly after getting sniped) was Upheld in Cabrini ever since! This picture below was taken in 2000. We would never have been on that Corner had the peace treaty not been administered, and honored; we would have been sitting ducks at that location. (It’s also well noted that the grassy area you see us taking the pic, which is in front of the Cabrini sign, as well as the grassy area behind the Cabrini sign was labeled the Hymalaya. This name carried on to the building directly behind it 1230 N Larrabee. Thus the Hymalaya was born.
This is the Cabrini sign I was just mentioning. This sign let’s you know that you are now entering the Whites, which is 8 Cabrini buildings on the North side of Division. I also mentioned that this grassy hilly area you see on these pictures was the initial Hymalaya- before the building 1230 N Larrabee was named that. Many people (young and old) hung in this grassy area; look closely, behind the Cabrini Sign (still on the Hymalaya grassy area), you can see a car. This was truly a hang out spot.. It’s also well noted that the “C” in the Cabrini sign was still present which indicates the throwback years of this pic. The “C” came out around 2001. As you can see in the pic underneath.
October 10th, 2002 Ray Quintanilla did a story that made the front page of the Chicago Tribune- Pete K-SO Keller was contacted and asked to be interviewed. As you can see, I was able to peer through the Cabrini sign, because the “C” had been removed. It’s also prevalent to notice the building in the background, to the right- is the building later entitled Hymalaya getting its name from the side grassy area. This is the building I would later plug with before going back to the penitentiary in 2000.
After getting into Gun play in December of 2005, and getting shot in the face with a Glock Nine, this is the actual patch over my right eye, that the Surgeon placed…. and I removed. I still have it.
After receiving multiple gunshot wounds, including a head shot, Mr Pete Keller bounced back harder than ever before, and redirected his mindset to becoming a part of the Solution. Mr. Keller states, “We need more men to stand up, in their individual areas, and show the youth we still care; we are Supposed to be the guidelines to their thought pattern…”
(Below) With Ted Weissberg, (back row) the man instrumental with the delivery, and promo of this project; especially during the final stage with news & media, as well as At this Time in Cabrini, such a thorough worker.
Pete Keller Founded ULON (United Legion One Nation) which is a non profit geared toward helping inner city youth stay focused, and positive, despite their physical surroundings, lack of resources & urban challenges.
Long live a place that shed light upon a mental Struggle.
Uneducated was a fictitious word, if my company was the majority..
Violence was oldschool, we spread LUV, Cabrini Superiority.
One Another… Cabrini for Life… I Pledge… My CG Sorority.