Chicago has been damaged morally, spiritually and often physically, by those that aren’t worth our pain. Ulon is not going to standby and let our glorious City fall victim to unnecessary crime! We are Our brothers keeper, and a Non Profit for “all” Chicagoans. United we Stand.
Ulon is asking Our fellow Chicagoans to help Support keeping Our Redline a great Safe asset to Our City; by helping Ulon participants with food, bus fare, Flyers, shirts and a place (a Storefront) to call home- our Own home-base.
Ulon needs a Storefront to continue our vision of a Safe haven, and business location.
All donations will increase our moral vision of a safe Redline trip for all Chicagoans who well deserve to get from point A to B to enjoy their Chicago experience.
A Small donation is well worth a piece of mind. Ulon will do the best we can to assure this for Our City.



United Legion, One Nation is the #1 Anti-recidivism Organization in Illinois