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ULON is the number one – Anti recidivism organization in the Chicagoland area. Our goal is to address public safety concerns on both sides of the fence with the public and those that are once again trying to become productive members of society. We are pleased to offer these alternatives, and what we call life-lines; ULON hopes those in need take advantage. God bless!

Please leave your contact information below and someone from our team will reach-out to you promptly.

We are Here

Servicing the Chicago & Chicagoland area

+1 (312) 834- 8020
Greater Grand Crossing, Chicago, Illinois USA


4 thoughts on “Contact US”

    1. Add DONATE option at the top of your website. I just read the article about Peter and people need easy access to donate. (Maybe I am missing it. I haven’t had my coffee). Thank you to all involved, helping lost souls find light.

      1. Thank you so much for that input. Looking into it. As of Now its near the bottom..
        Ps.. Next Coffee on Me.

  1. Dear ULON Life,

    I just want to say that violence in black communities are going to continue to go on as long as you have gangster rap music.

    Every since gangster rap music got started, it has caused the high school drop out rate to go way up.

    I never understand how can gangster rappers like Jay Z, Master P, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Puff Daddy can tells us to respect our black women and treat them like black queens but at the same time call black women B’s and HO’s in their music.

    How can every hip hop radio station say for us to put our guns down and stop the violence but at the same time play gangster rap music on radio stations?

    How can so many black churches and black organizations invite gangster rappers to talk to young people about stopping the violence but at the same time these very same gangster rappers would make music videos in which they are throwing up gang sign and holding guns?

    This is nothing but straight hypocrisy.

    How do you expect for young people to listen and take them seriously when they constantly see the hypocrisy of these gangster rappers?

    How are these gangster rappers sending a message to young people when they are constantly cursing, degrading and disrespecting black women, throwing up gang signs, and holding guns in their music videos?

    All these gangster rappers are doing is encouraging and promoting more violence.

    We can’t expect the violence in black communities to end unless we put an end to gangster rap music.

    Some people will say that gangster rap music don’t make young people gang bang or kill people, but it’s encouraging young people that in order to be tough or survive that they must join a gang or have a gun and that is sending the wrong message.

    To me, a real message is encouraging young people to go to school, get an education, respect black women, know your history, and most of all love yourself.

    How can you expect for young people to have a bright future when their future is either drug dealing, homelessness, gang banging, or prison?

    To me gangster rap music has caused so much division, death and destruction in black communities.

    We can’t keep on marching and protesting against violence in black communities if we are not going to be serious about gangster rap music.

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